Les élèves de 3ème se sont investis tout au long de l'année pour éditer un journal : Gazette LEA (langues étrangères appliquées).
Ils vous font ainsi partager quelques instants dans leur vie de collègiens...
Hello ! We are the journalism team of the third wich is working on this newspaper. We offer you a brief about life at school about many subjects :
— what’s new ?
— it’s happening elsewhere …
— the movement of girls …
— curiosities
We interview some of our students to discover their opinions, publish some pictures, get more informations about talents, projects and we hope you will enjoy our work.
With this journal we can speak freely and test our level in foreign languages.
Why ? Because you will discover the Spanish, German and also Italian Teams. By the way… each of these teams has prepared a few articles that you can discover in the gazette…